Basecamp operates as an incubator, offering a unit of entrepreneurial programmes that aim to equip aspiring as well as serial entrepreneurs with the skills, community and support required for their businesses to flourish.

Basecamp Programmes 2023/2024

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Flagship Programmes

00. IdeaGen Workshop | “Thinking Outside”


‘IdeaGen’ is a dynamic online workshop designed to fuel creative thinking and ignite innovative ideas. In today’s rapidly evolving world, the ability to generate fresh ideas and innovative solutions is a vital skill. 

The programme enables participants to learn how to innovate and overcome common idea-generation barriers, explore techniques to unlock your creativity, collaborate with like-minded individuals and gain practical tools to apply in your projects and ventures.

01. #BasecampHunt Programme | “For The Right Idea”


The #BasecampHunt Programme is an idea validation programme designed to assist participants with their early-stage idea. This can be anyone – university students or researchers, serial entrepreneurs, corporate incubators or anyone simply eager to learn more about business building!

As a participant, you do not need experience, nor a team, to apply – only passion, commitment & curiosity. The programme is built for anyone that has an idea they wish to test; not only for those with businesses that are already operational.

Programme Length: 4 Weeks |  Platform: Virtual

Topics covered: Business Model, Financial Model, Business Feasibility, Customer Discovery Roadmap, Basic Pitching

02. #BasecampCook Programme | “Your Business Recipe”


The #BasecampCook Programme is an incubation programme providing early-stage companies, as well as graduates of the #BasecampHunt Programme, with the business, product and entrepreneur development they need in order to start generating or grow their sales, and move towards acquiring funding or other growth milestones. 

The programme is built for full-time teams that have validated an idea, built a low or high-resolution prototype and are close to gaining product-market-fit. It can also serve small businesses that have been operating but wish to ensure they have a strong company foundation and aim to grow revenue over the next twelve (12) months.

Programme Length: 8 Weeks Platform: Virtual

Topics covered: Product Development, Strategy & Finance, Sales & Marketing, Operations, Human Resources

03. #BasecampTrade Programme | “Time to go-to-Market”


The #BasecampTrade Programme is a 6-month programme that gives developing startups access to training, mentorship, investors and additional support resources that help them to become stable, self-sufficient businesses. The aim is to get the startups ready for investment. 

Companies that will be accepted into our Trade Programme are startups that have moved beyond the earliest stages of getting established. They will be graduates of our #BasecampCook Programme or applicants who have proven that they have traction and product-market-fit. Startups in our Trade Programme are provided with pre-seed financing in order to improve their probability of success.

Programme Length: 6 Months Platform: Hybrid

Outcomes: Administration Functions, Business Model, Improved Sales, Growth Capital, Profitability, Scale to New Markets

04. #BasecampExport Programme | “Expand Your Market”


The #BasecampExport Programme is an acceleration programme for startups that are ready to scale into new markets. #BasecampExport assists startups through an investor-readiness programme for further expansion. 

The core objective of #BasecampExport is to support startup founders to further develop their businesses into viable entities as well as to obtain funding to improve and expand their operations. In addition to supporting founders, this programme contributes to building the startup pipeline for venture capital firms in Namibia.

Programme Length: 12-24 Months Platform: Hybrid

Outcomes: Build capacity to attract & secure funding. Accelerate access to the market. Attract, develop & retain quality talent. Connect to African ecosystems.